Saturday, June 10, 2017

Statue of Sam Houston

Off of Interstate Highway 45, near Huntsville, Texas, looms a statue of Sam Houston. Houston is a legend in the state of Texas, and the concrete likeness stands guard over every vehicle passing by. It's impossible to miss.

It's 67 feet tall and stands on a 10 foot base. The official name of the sculpture is "A Tribute to Courage" but most just call it Sam Houston or "Big Sam." It gives off the vibe that is often attributed to Sam Houston in history books. You feel a little safer standing beneath that hawk-like gaze.

Other than the statue, though, there's not much to see here. You can travel a little bit down the road and visit Huntsville State Park, which is great, but the statue park is quite small. There's a tiny museum and a gift shop. To reach the base of the statue, you have to walk a short trail, where you can find the decapitated head of Sam Houston:

It's kind of weird, just sitting there, looking like your judgmental uncle who got stoned for the first time. But it does give you a chance to take funny photos.

The Sam Houston Statue gives Texas a chance to project some pride, and it gives motorists on passing I-45 a chance to stop and stretch their legs. There's no cost to walk the trail or stand beneath the statue. If you're bored and just need to get out of the car and see a little bit of history, it's a great rest stop.

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